Parking Rules

Parking in the roundabout between 4906-4918 S Drexel Boulevard is open on a first-come, first-served basis for 4900 Drexel Coop shareholders and residents only.

  • Registered Vehicles: All shareholders and residents who wish to park in the roundabout, must register their vehicle. They may do so by completing the online form on this page below or printing out this paper form and submitting it [click here]. Any and all cars parked in the roundabout must be registered with the Coop or risk being towed.

  • Max 48 hours: Shareholders and residents may park in the roundabout for up to 48 consecutive hours before having to move their car.

  • Two cars max: One car is allowed per each entrance off the street, allowing for two cars to be parked in the roundabout in total.

  • Guests: Guests are not allowed to park in the roundabout at any time. Again, the parking spots are for shareholders and residents only.

  • Loading & Unloading, Drop-off or Pick-up: In the event that you need to load or unload your car or drop-off or pick-up and the roundabout parking spaces are already filled, you may double park behind one of the cars to do so. Please be sure to follow these standing zone rules:

    • Turn on your hazard lights: You must leave your hazard lights flashing while you, the driver, are away from your vehicle.

    • 15 minute max: Please do not leave your vehicle double parked for more than 15 minutes maximum per Chicago city standing zone rules.

    • Sidewalk safety: For safety, please also be sure to leave enough room on the sidewalk for patrons to safely walk by without having to go on the street. Please note, you can be ticketed and towed by the city for blocking a sidewalk.

    • Leave your cell phone number: We recommend that you also leave your cell phone number on a piece of paper on the dashboard of your car in case one of your fellow neighbors has to leave immediately. This will allow for them to contact you quickly and directly.

  • Disabled Parking: At this time, our Coop does not offer disabled parking. As an alternative, should you need disabled parking, you can apply for your own personal spot on the street through the City of Chicago.

Failure to abide by the 4900 Drexel Coop roundabout parking rules, can result in your car being towed.

updated 1/22/2021

Register your vehicle(s) here:

To park in the roundabout between 4906-4918 S Drexel Boulevard, please be sure to register your vehicle(s). Unregistered vehicles are subject to being towed.